Entries by Acefone Editor

Business Texting Etiquette – 10 Proven Tips for Leaving Great Impressions

Texting came into our lives with the advent of cellular phones over two decades ago. It remained a convenient way to communicate between friends, family, and acquaintances for quite a while.  Over a period of time, however, businesses began to uncover the benefits of simpler and faster communication through instant messaging. Mass messaging became the […]

Effective Sales Onboarding: How SaaS can Help Sync your Sales and Support Team

To generate increased profits and higher customer satisfaction, an organisation’s sales and support teams need to work in sync. Thus, it seems logical to use the latest technology available to ensure both teams can work as effectively as possible and deliver unparalleled results. SaaS or Software as a Service is a solution that can benefit […]

Chatbots and Human Agents: Which is Better for Customer Service?

The man vs machine battle has now reached its peak.  With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) programmes, efficiency, both in terms of work and costs, has improved dramatically.  Businesses are now actively seeking services that allow automation of previously monotonous work. Amid this search, businesses are forgoing one of the […]

Should you Use a Dedicated IP phone, a Softphone, or Just your Mobile Device with Your VoIP Solution?

Business phones are crucial components of business communications. Not only are they needed for interacting with customers, but they also enable seamless communication between employees. Over time, offerings of business phones have improved tremendously. From being a measly phone box, crawling its wires across the office floors, business phone lines are now taking the advantages […]

Everything You Need to Know About IVR: Definition, Working, Benefits and Limitations with Examples

In today’s digital age, IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system with modernized calling technology has become vital in developing and advancing businesses across different platforms. Not only it allows callers to resolve issues with self-service options, but it also saves up on the company’s precious resources like time and money. However, riddled with limitations, a poorly designed […]

Why Millenials are Rapidly Adopting Cloud Technology

We regularly come across terms like baby boomers, Gen Z, and millennials in multiple conversations about ‘generational gaps’ and the tech-savviness of millennials are often one of the points of discussion.  For the uninitiated, millennial refers to anyone who was born between 1980 and 2000, effectively putting them in the age bracket of 21-41 currently. […]

Understanding Parallel Ringing: Definition, Benefits and Working

As the name suggests, parallel ringing or simultaneous ringing enables business call centers to automatically redirect incoming calls to all contact center agents. In simpler terms, it sends calls to every available agent and has the fastest one answer. Essentially, parallel ringing allows brands to respond to their customers and prospective callers at a much […]

Top 5 Practices to Offer Better Self-Service

Self-service technologies or SSTs are service interfaces that a customer can use without the help of an operator.  An ATM (Automated Teller Machine) was the first self-service technology introduced to us. It replaced the people who usually dispense money at banks or help us check our account balance.  In fact, the self-service technology market was […]

DDoS Attacks: What are They and How to Secure your Systems Against One

In the world of cybercrime, targeting of businesses is commonplace.  It is not just large businesses that are threatened by such attacks. Unfortunately, whether an organisation is big or small, the vulnerability exists. And it is important to be cognizant of disruptions that such attacks can bring about.  This is certainly an important topic for […]