Entries by Acefone Editor

Mask On: Why You Need Number Masking for Your Business

We all wear masks to venture anywhere outside these days. Why? To protect ourselves, of course. So, why not extend the same courtesy to our business data? Just as N95 masks offer the best protection against the spread of coronavirus, number masking technology in cloud communication is the superhero for sensitive business data. So, what is Number […]

Innovative Ideas To Boost Your Outbound Contact Center Performance

Time and again businesses have found setting up a call center tedious.  Contact centers, as the frontline to serve customers round-the-clock, are major touchpoints for organisations. In fact, they are often called ‘cost centers’ in businesses. Their performance is hugely judged by the numbers they show; so the industry is considered highly competitive. The performance […]

Running A Startup From Home? Here’s Why You Need A Cloud-based Phone System

COVID-19 has forced work-from-home upon the unlikeliest of candidates. Organisations of all sizes, scales, and specifications have adopted completely alien strategies and mediums in a bid to continue running their businesses.  In this scenario, one of the most affected players have been startups, and it is they who’d benefit the most from adopting cloud phone […]

Virtual Numbers: All Questions Answered

With consumer bases scattered across the globe, a local number just doesn’t cut it anymore. Businesses need to have a strong communication network, whether within the city or from Delhi to Dubai—customers should never feel the physical distance. How do you achieve flawless conversations anytime and anywhere? With the use of cloud-based tools, of course. […]

Why Your Fintech Business Needs an IVR Number Now

Smartphones have transformed the way we perform most of our tasks. Mobile applications and portals fast-track mundane tasks in the most innovative way––from something as basic as looking for a public restroom to availing online education. Everything is just a click away. Fintech has played a similar role for banking; it has revolutionized the way […]

5 Ways To Enhance Your Brand With a Freephone Number

A potential customer comes across your product and is intrigued. He’s interested in buying it but wants to get more information first. But what happens if he encounters a faulty or poorly designed website? Or if the information provided is unclear?  A sense of mistrust begins to build and he possibly forgoes the purchase.  This […]

Missed Call Solutions: Everything You Need to Know

To vote for your favorite contestant, please give a missed call on xx-xx-xxxxxx.  Sounds familiar, right? Please give me a missed call when you reach home. Give me a missed call to remind me about groceries. I’m going to bed, wake me up with a missed call. In other words, for every reminder, missed calls […]

How To Improve Team Performance When Working Remotely?

The year 2020 has undergone dramatic changes in the way businesses and teams function. One of the many is the increase in the adoption of a remote working ecosystem. Though not all organisations can successfully operate in a remote environment, in the present reality, a distributed and virtual work set-up is necessary. One often wonders […]

How IVR Solutions can Simplify Customer Support and Ticketing Systems

When you run a business, customer satisfaction is something you can never afford to overlook. After all, that’s what gives your company competitive advantage and empowers it with high retention rates. However, as your business grows in size, so does the number of customers calling you for support queries. According to Zendesk, internal support teams […]