34 search results for: Expert Opinion

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Expert Opinion: Boosting CX to get more referrals by Alan Pennington

Businesses nowadays are struggling to upgrade their customer experience strategies to reduce customer churn rate and increase revenues—leading to a better position in the market! According to Forbes, ‘’Customer experience is today’s business benchmark.’’ Therefore, we can say that it is evolving as the new norm for brands. Customers these days have a plethora of […]

David Avrin 1 1030x504

Expert Opinion: Redefine Customer Experiences to Future-proof your Business

From the way we connect with people to how we consume information and purchase goods—we prefer everything to be seamless and quick.  The scenario is no different for your customers. They no longer just look for affordable products. They prioritise speed, accessibility, flexibility, and convenience. In fact, today, offering convenience is better than being better.  […]

Ingrid Lindberg 1 1030x504

Expert Opinion: The Key To Winning New Customers Is To Retain The Existing Ones

Customer service has undergone a paradigm shift owing to the increasingly competitive landscape. The fundamental principle of enhancing customer experience is retaining existing customers to automatically win over new ones. A remarkable customer experience keeps your customers coming back while promoting your services to others. Businesses with excellent customer experience reported higher customer referrals and […]

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Expert Opinion: Conquer The Battleground Of Customer Service Challenges With Shane Goldberg

In the long haul, customer retention pays off better than acquisition—this is why companies are focussing more on delivering a competent customer experience (CX) that makes clients stay. A survey conducted by Bloomberg Businessweek found that delivering a good customer experience is among the top strategic objectives for 80% of businesses. Moreover, a Customer Management […]

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Expert Opinion: Customer Experience Is The Pillar of Modern Business Says Tiffany Carpenter

“Focusing on the customer makes a company more resilient.” -Jeff Bezos, CEO, Amazon Resilience and agility. The two most-spoken aspects of the business arena today. Companies that have survived the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic can confirm one thing: at the heart of their operations is incredible customer experience. Yet, this can not be the only approach […]

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Expert Opinion Series: The Subtle Art of Mastering CX with Shep Hyken

Your company’s relationship with the customers can be considered much more than improving your product ratings or reducing wait times. Understanding the customer journey is all about learning what your customers actually want and what their pain points are.  Customers don’t just buy stuff from you. They establish a whole journey of decisions, purchases, and […]

10 Expert Tips to Improve Cross functional Collaboration at Your Company copy 1030x579

10 Expert Tips to Improve Cross-functional Collaboration at Your Company

In every medium to large business, the organisation has several teams, each catering to a different function of the business. There are separate teams for sales, marketing, research, product development, testing, manufacturing, quality, operations, finance, etc.  Each team has its own set of targets and metrics which they work on diligently.  However, individually these results […]