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free phone number boosts marketing campaigns during pandemics

Gone are the days when putting a company’s life-size banner on the roadside shinning billboards or distributing pamphlets were the only options to make a long-lasting mark on customers’ minds.

Nowadays, cloud technology has largely influenced the publicity strategies being developed by businesses and whipped away the traditional methods by offering more cost-effective solutions to a far-reaching target audience.

Voice broadcast has emerged to be the most efficient way and it has also overcome the limitations of traditional ways for advertising. Voice broadcast allows you to connect instantly with customers in various languages and get your messages across with minimal human intervention in the process.

Voice broadcasting has made it possible to cut the cost by eliminating a large number of staff handling the calls and removing the hardwired phone connection lines with the cloud-based digitized approach.

Let’s see how voice broadcasting helps your business grow by making an efficient customer outreach.

1. Customer Friendly

If your target customer resides in distant corners of the world, voice broadcasting gives the flexibility to personalize your language & message according to that region. This helps in adding a personal touch to your messages. Every business looks for a steady customer base and with the help of voice broadcasting, every single message you want to convey finds a receiving end.

2. Message Uniformity

Message inconsistency is the most vulnerable part of broadcasting, a large organization with a huge staff assigned for the same task may tamper the consistency and authenticity of the original message resulting in a lack of transparency in the process.

Voice broadcasting helps to prevent this drawback by transmitting a voice recorded information, after quality & credibility assurance from the dedicated authorities. It ensures the consistency between the original message and the final transmitted message.

3. Easily Affordable

Making an impactful change in the running of a business is complemented by a hefty cost, Voice broadcasting, on the contrary, reduces your set up cost as cloud telephony companies provide a software which supports your telephony services without any additional hassle of setting up phone lines or allotting a dedicated resource to make 1000 calls.

Voice broadcasting also offers add-on value services like admin management portal or calls analytics graph make it a good buy for the small firms, in search of affordability and quality.

4. Manage Campaigns on a Click

Running a campaign is a humungous task and tracking the history of thousands of calls is not that easy without a substantial human effort. Voice broadcasting streamlines the call tracking processes by generating a detailed call tracking list with the information about the number of voice calls made and how many of them were successful.

Admin can also create different categories and assign different voice messages for the same according to their requirement and release multiple voice broadcast at the same time catering different customer needs.

5. Flexible

Schedule your recorded call according to the customer’s availability without affecting their already planned day. If the voice broadcasting service provider has a downloadable mobile app, then all the statistics related to the voice broadcast stay clear and visible with a better sense of communication.

Voice broadcasting software stores a huge database of numbers reducing the last shred of human complication involved in the process.

Voice Broadcasting – Adding Value

With a race to reach out to a maximum number of people, voice broadcasting has unprecedently proved to be beneficial for the government in spreading awareness about the newly launched schemes, running political campaigns or sending out promotional offers.

Businesses aiming to advertise their services with minimum investments are leveraging this emerging opportunity to the best of their abilities and receiving a tremendous ROI.

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