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voice broadcasting helps the UK government connect better with people

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that communication is key. And no communication is more important than the information that the UK government sends out to its people, especially during times as uncertain as the Covid-19 era. 

However, ensuring consistent communication with such a large audience at once can be a daunting task—not to forget, heavy on the pockets. 

This is where voice broadcasting comes into play. This cloud-powered tool comes with a hosted phone system and ensures vital information reaches residents in a timely and coherent manner.

And given that everyone nowadays has a smart device and receives messages in a number of ways, voice broadcasting becomes even more of a boon. Simple voice calls cut through the clutter of the many marketing messages and emails people receive. And critical details get shared in real-time. 

Not just that, the tool can be used in a number of ways to serve various purposes. This article will help you better understand the solution and highlight some of the ways the government can use it to better connect with the people of the United Kingdom. 

What is voice broadcasting?

Voice broadcasting is a tool used to disseminate information en masse at once. Several organisations add the solution to their communication suite to augment their lead generation efforts. 

Even though the messages are pre-recorded, the recipients can still interact with them via keypad or voice inputs. This gives them the option to highlight their preferences and communicate their thoughts with businesses and even governments. 

While some people may find voice broadcasting messages irritating, the technology can be used in ways that are less intrusive and more informative. 

Voice broadcasting for surveys

The best way to know what people want and how they’re feeling is to ask them. By using voice broadcasting to run surveys, businesses or government agencies can get the views of a large group on many different subjects. 

The administration can thus use voice broadcasting to find out citizens’ views on topics such as taxes and transport. By actively gathering information from the public, officials can better understand the needs and wants of common people. This will facilitate better strategies and improved execution. 

A hosted phone system makes this entire process very simple. It offers an easy-to-use portal that officials can set up and distribute surveys with to different groups of people. They can start and run multiple campaigns with just a few clicks and even access deep data insights for all these campaigns via the portal. These responses can also be saved securely in your hosted phone system for future reference and can be acted upon later. 

By sending surveys to a large number of different people at once, you are much more likely to get more responses to a survey than if you were to call and speak to each customer for feedback manually. You’re also able to eliminate redundant manual processes with the help of automation.

SMS blasting

Particularly during the pandemic, SMS blasting was used to deliver important information to the residents. When the lockdown started, the UK government sent out a mass message to inform people and ensure that they were aware of all the rules and regulations. 

Text broadcasts are a great way to communicate vital information to a populace. Consider this, even those who don’t have network reception or have run out of battery will receive the message once they get reception or charge their phones.

These messages also reach people who aren’t on social media and miss out on local trends and news. Thus, text messages are a more inclusive way of communicating and authorities will be able to reach all demographics. 

From a budget perspective too, text broadcasts do well—they are a cost-effective option. Officials can schedule messages right from their hosted phone system and use their databases to create targeted texts as well, such as reaching out to people living in a certain area or working in a particular field. 

Keep messaging consistent with voice broadcasting

A big factor in the connection between the public and the government is trust. The public wants to receive consistent messaging from the authorities so they can make decisions for themselves or their businesses with clarity. 

By using a hosted phone system to broadcast information, the government is able to keep track of all the messages that have been sent out and update them at any given point in time with ease. This ensures that people always get the right information. Moreover, by sending the same information out at scale, authorities are able to ensure that there’s no room for confusion or misunderstandings. 

Another benefit of voice broadcasting is that there is no interference between the recording of the message and its distribution. This is an issue that one may encounter while sending text messages or social media updates, where there is a character limit. And, to get all the right information in, one may have to omit or edit a few words. 

But with voice broadcasting, the message can be as long or as short as the authorities want it to be without worrying about having to change it or tweak it. 

Make the most of messages with personalisation

Since there’s no limit to the number of broadcast messages one can send, authorities can record different messages suitable for different groups of people.

One message could be aimed at people living in Scotland, one for Wales, one for England, and so forth. During the pandemic, each area had different restrictions in place and these restrictions were lifted after varying time durations, so having one overarching message would not have been appropriate.

By recording different messages and distributing them on the basis of different criteria (such as age, location, occupation, language), the government can provide highly relevant information to individuals across the UK. 

When any business gives out relevant information which is highly targeted to one person or a group of people, customer satisfaction shoots up. The same happens with the government of any nation. 

Manage campaigns and access analytics

Most importantly for the government, hosted phone systems give officials easy access to detailed analytics. These analytics can be used to show return on investment and inform any follow up campaigns.

Within the hosted phone system users can see exactly who has received the messages and interacted with them, and also all the survey responses. These analytics can help them make better business decisions, and they can also pinpoint what demographics their campaign appeals to more.

By communicating to the public in the way they most prefer, the Government is sure to build a better connection with the people of the UK and will be able to reach them more effectively when they need to.

Build connections with voice broadcasting

Voice broadcasting works just as well for governments as it does businesses of various sizes when it comes to building strong connections with people.

It gives people the tools they need to be able to find out what people want, and also to communicate important information quickly and easily. Thus, governments are able to establish crystal-clear connections and keep the populace satisfied and informed. 

To find out more about voice broadcasting or hosted phone systems, you can get in touch with an expert from Acefone at 1888-859-0450 or drop us an email at [email protected]

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