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foster collaboration in call centre team

To provide the best possible service to your customers, the collaboration between your staff is key.

Customers expect a smooth, efficient service and teams who do not collaborate will not be able to provide this exemplary service – a factor which could be the deciding factor between a customer choosing your business and the business of a competitor.

So how do you foster collaboration in your call center team? Acefone has put together some ways in which your cloud-hosted contact center can help your staff collaborate better than ever before.

Encourage Staff To Communicate Through The Online Portal

An online portal gives staff the opportunity to leave detailed notes on customer accounts, which can help staff work together to deliver the best possible service.

By encouraging staff to collaborate in this way, customers are sure to benefit as agents will have all of their details on hand ready to help them without the customer having to go through any issues again and again with different agents.

If staff are communicating freely through your phone system, they can ensure that great customer service is delivered to each and every client.

Communication is a key to ensuring that customers get personalised service and feel valued by your business; increasing loyalty and customer retention.

Encourage Staff To Share Expertise

Each staff member will have their own area of expertise, and solving complex customer issues can often draw on the expertise of numerous staff across your contact center.

So, by encouraging staff to communicate and collaborate, chances are that customer queries or complaints are much more likely to be resolved on the first call.

If a customer is made to wait for too long on hold, they are likely to become dissatisfied or frustrated and will end the call with a negative impression of your company. 

Your professionalism might be called into question as customers may believe your staffs are not properly trained; so the ability for staff to easily collaborate is critical to a successful contact center. 

With a cloud contact center, agents in your contact center can easily work together to solve any customer problems.

Firstly, agents can use conference calling to draw on the expertise of another agent or department completely free of charge; meaning they can get to the bottom of a customer query quickly and can return to the customer with a solution.

Secondly, agents can quickly transfer a call to another agent who may be better equipped to deal with an incoming query.

You can transfer calls to any agents no matter where they are based, as long as they have an internet connection to pick up the call. 

This sharing expertise and working together can introduce a new, more collaborative culture into your business which will have a knock-on effect on your customers who will receive better service as a result.

Brainstorm Together As A Team

Your contact center team may be based all over the world, but that does not mean they need to work completely on their own.

With a hosted phone system, agents anywhere in the world can brainstorm ideas and work together as a team – making your call center run much more smoothly and allowing you to draw upon the ideas of staff all around the world.

Conference calling is just one of the ways your staff can collaborate and come together to share ideas.

It will not cost your business any extra, and your staff can run ideas by each other and come up with new ways to deliver the best possible service to your customers. 

Not only will your customers benefit, but your staff’s mental health could also too – if they feel they are a valued member of the team, any remote workers will feel less isolated and will be much more likely to perform better in their roles. 

Conference calling gives you the unique ability to hire and manage staff all over the world, using their local knowledge and expertise to your business’ and customer’s advantage.

Staff can also collaborate with each other and share ideas through your CRM system. As your hosted phone system can integrate with your CRM system, once staff has communicated with a customer they can then add detailed notes about the customer query and can talk through a customer’s issue or question with other agents. 

This means staff can work together to ensure that this customer receives a highly personalised and effective service the next time they call – and can even give your marketing team the chance to create customer segments and deliver communications which are highly relevant to them.

If you would like to find out more about how a cloud-hosted contact center can help you foster collaboration in your call center, call our expert team on 1888-859-0450 .

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