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cloud services for legal industries

Businesses that constantly modify themselves based on the shifting trends of their industry are bound to be successful. The growth of your business may also depend on your ability to adapt to the latest technologies. 

The same holds true for the legal industry as well. The field of law is undeniably quite intricate—involving numerous simultaneous clients, a myriad of important documents, and confidentiality of the clients. 

Your reputation as a reliable legal representative may hit hard if your firm isn’t able to accomplish any one of these capabilities.

Cloud services for the legal industry can help you deliver seamless services. Read on to know-how.

Cloud computing for the legal industry

The cloud is a massive storage space for accessing important information in a flash. Its advanced features ensure continuous business operations even in challenging situations.

Even though the concept of sensitive data on the Internet initially seemed daunting to legal firms, quite a lot of them have benefited by shifting their operations to the security of the cloud.  

Having said that, let us delve deeper into the benefits of cloud for the legal industry.

1. Round-the-clock access to data

Cloud services allow you to store your data in a centralised repository. This repository can be a server in any one of the data centers maintained by your cloud service provider—across the globe. With this kind of data storage mechanism in place, you have access to information from anywhere, at any time, without any restrictions.

This capability is especially important for the law industry which is extremely time-sensitive, demanding round-the-clock availability and streamlined processes.  

Moreover, the capability of cloud services does not stop at providing quick data access. Users can access documents and work on them simultaneously from distributed locations.

Your team will be able to interact with the data—edit, save, or delete information—from wherever they are and produce collaborative efforts. And with multiple data back-ups, you can rest assured even during natural calamities. Your data can be retrieved from the cloud servers after any mishappening as the data centers are located at different places to prevent any kind of data loss.

In a remote or work-from-home setup, you can use cloud services to better control documents, boost the efficiency of processes, and facilitate uninterrupted business workflows. 

2. Stepped-up data security

In a legal environment, you deal with highly sensitive client information, and hence data security is vital. You cannot afford to leak any data with cyberattacks. Cloud services ensure that your storage is compliant with the latest safety protocols and measures. Your service provider will update security patches periodically to safeguard client interests. You can even enable multi-factor authentication to ensure maximum security.

All these attributes are provided to you at zero or minimal additional costs. This ensures that your data is in safe hands. Again, it saves you the time and effort spent to hire a separate team to maintain and update security protocols periodically. Instead, you can focus on other core aspects of your business. 

3. Zero costs for infrastructure and maintenance

This is a significant advantage of adopting cloud services. When you have a storage space on-premise, you face huge infrastructural set-up costs, along with maintenance and storage expenses. 

However, since the cloud infrastructure runs on the Internet, all you pay for is the services used. You can use any pre-existing or personal infrastructure as well and save on such costs.  

Furthermore, your service provider takes complete charge of maintaining your solutions regularly. This involves automatic updates of the latest features and technologies, and upkeep of the security protocols in accordance with official guidelines. 

Some providers will even provide you auto-provisioning feature to link your IP phones directly to their services within a few minutes without any technical hassle.

This frees you from the trouble of hiring a separate technical team to maintain and keep your infrastructure in place, thereby reducing costs further.

4. Improved scalability

When your data is on the cloud, you have the added benefit of being able to scale up and down your infrastructural capability with changing requirements. 

For example, if you unexpectedly face a surge in cases and need to increase the number of lines in your communication system, you simply inform your service provider and wait for the changes to be implemented. You are free to bounce back to your original infrastructural capability once the demand reduces. 

Relocating your business is also easier as there is no need to move heavy hardware from one place to another. All it takes is a call to your VoIP service provider and they will set you up in the new location in a jiffy.

If instead, you had an on-premise server, you’d have to make a considerable investment to scale up—with new infrastructure, devices, extra storage, etc. Moreover, this added space would remain idle once the increased demand dies out, acting as a wasted expenditure. 

5. Higher flexibility to integrate functionalities

Your legal proceedings may demand inputs from several sources on the Internet. To simplify and better collaborate with your team, you may need to incorporate several third-party apps. 

This may include time management, practice management, customer relationship management (CRM), and bill tracking system. These add-ons not only simplify management but also help your entire team stay on the same page irrespective of their locations. 

For example, consider one of your team members is working from home, another is with the client, and yet another is in the office. A change in the case details made in the office should be instantly intimated to the client and home offices.  

This may not be possible in an on-premise setup. However, with a variety of third-party integrations, the distributed team can collaborate and work as one. 

Furthermore, with all the add-ons available on the same screen, you have instant access to all the information. This supports improved productivity and also helps in delivering efficient resolutions to client concerns.

6. Boosted disaster recovery

One of the first rules of business is to always be prepared. Even the best of predictions cannot help you prevent disasters—but you sure can prepare to recover from them. For example, if your data was hacked and blocked due to a cyber-attack, your legal firm may come to a complete standstill. 

When it comes to disaster recovery procedures on-premise, you will need to regularly maintain a backup of your data that includes additional cost and workforce.

If you opt for the cloud, your data is stored in a centralised and secure server. A copy of this data would also be available on request. Your service provider will have a readily available backup of your data repository on multiple back-up servers that can be retrieved in a short period. This ability of the cloud helps legal firms to provide uninterrupted services even in case of a data crisis.

7. Stays light on IT budgeting

Your legal firm will necessarily need a technical team to take care of in-house and third-party software. It is also important that these be updated, maintained, and stay on par with the latest technological trends. This will include considerable expenses in an on-premise setup.

However, when you employ cloud services, this process will be automated or handled by the provider—and off your hands. Most providers will assist you 24×7 too.


Legal firms have a great burden on them. They are involved in highly time-bound, sensitive work that affects the lives of many. All the data they work with has to be safeguarded with the best security measures, and their workflow needs to be smoothened and simplified. 

Cloud communications are the way forward for many legal practices—for the sheer convenience of these solutions. Whether you’re a private consultant, the legal team of a conglomerate, or a specialised law firm, cloud capabilities have got you covered.

Still curious about the use and impact of cloud solutions for your own business? Just dial up our experts at 1888-859-0450  or drop an email at [email protected] and we’ll be right with you.

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