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cloud hosted phone system reshaping the call centre

When thinking of a call center, most people think of a large building filled with agents each with an assigned phone at their desk. Call centers are fixed in one place where all customer calls will go through and often involve long waits and frustrating connection issues – but due to the introduction of cloud-hosted phone systems, this doesn’t have to be the case!

Cloud-hosted phone systems give call center owners the ability to leave their premises and run their call center from anywhere they might be with an internet connection, through an easy to use online portal.

The online portal gives owners and managers access to detailed call logs, call recordings and many other useful statistics which give them the power to make changes and ensure everything is running smoothly.

With a cloud phone system, call centers aren’t restricted by space. At busy times, you can add as many extensions as you like added to your phone system, with agents based anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

You don’t need to be mindful of the number of desks you have on-site, as you can have all agents based from home or hire remote working agents as you need them to ensure customer service levels are kept at a high standard even when you’re rushed off your feet.

Cloud-hosted phone systems are changing the face of the call center industry, which is in need of an update. Customers are expecting more and more from companies and expect their calls to be answered quickly and queries dealt with efficiently – so more expect to be able to contact you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

With a cloud phone system, this isn’t a problem; you can hire agents all over the world who can work remotely from their devices, so there’ll always be someone to answer an important customer call no matter what time of day or night.

Customer experience can be the deciding factor between a customer choosing you or choosing a competitor, so as a call center owner, you need to ensure your customer service is exemplary.

With a cloud phone system, you can store customer data and notes about previous calls within the phone system and can link this with your CRM system.

When a customer calls, the customer data can easily be accessed by whichever agent takes the call, so there’s no need to waste agent and customer time by asking them questions about their query they’ve already been through. Because it’s all right there ready for the agent to review and follow up on.

Call centers can be costly operations; with the cost of office premises, the cost to install and maintain a traditional phone system, and the potential loss of business if something were to happen to your business.

A cloud-hosted contact center takes away this risk and lowers your costs. By your phone system running in the cloud, you can rest assured that if anything did happen to your premises, you can seamlessly switch onto another device without interruption to your customers – whether you’ve switched to a mobile device, tablet or computer, customers won’t know the difference and will get the same crystal-clear sound quality.

Hosting your telephony in the cloud also lowers call costs, meaning you can call anywhere in the world for an extremely low cost – expanding your customer base and helping boost your profits.

Of course, hosted phone systems also take away the need to have business premises altogether, which is a large expenditure for most businesses. With this taken away, your business can focus on delivering great customer service and being consistently available to customers – not just during office hours.

Hiring staff who live in different countries and time zones also helps keep costs down as you won’t need to arrange extra security for night-time workers, they can work in the comfort of their own home.

Finally, a cloud-hosted call center can have employees from a range of backgrounds with a range of expertise. As you can hire people from anywhere, you won’t be restricted to choosing people from a certain location.

You can afford to hire the best staff for the job and ensure that their skill sets and expertise are varied enough to serve your customers well. Additionally, with the conference calling feature of a hosted phone system, no matter where these staffs are based, they can share expertise and collaborate as a team at no extra cost to you or your business.

If you are a call center owner who would like to streamline your operation and make it more efficient or would like more control over your calls and agent performance get in touch with Acefone’s Solutions Consultant who can help you get started today!

Call on 1888-859-0450 to get started with a hosted call center.

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