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sending wedding invites with cloud communication

The pandemic hit us unexpectedly last year and just when we thought there was a sign of relief, it came back on us even harder. 

So, while countries across the globe are leaving no stone unturned to safeguard their people, businesses are facing the wrath of the pandemic. Most companies have opted for the remote work model, with a certain percentage of their employees working from home.

Businesses have now started to get in the groove and begun to strategise ways to thrive in the new normal. 

For the rest of us too, a new normal seems to be the only way forward. Weddings included––yes, we are talking about one of the most important occasions in probably everybody’s life. 

Gone are the days of a long guest list, carefree shopping and a destination wedding. Not to mention, we still have some lockdown restrictions in place.

So, how do you follow all the guidelines and still prep for a beautiful, wonderful wedding?

We’ll tell you.

Cloud communication for wedding invites

Yes, you read that right! 

You can use cloud communication to send your wedding invites. 

Nearly 85% of businesses use cloud-backed tools to store their business data. But the capabilities of cloud communication aren’t limited to augmenting the customer base and serving clients in a corporate environment. 

It can be effectively used to serve the needs of individuals too. 

Cloud communication is a medium that is used to convey information via a centralised data repository. When a cloud provider saves your wedding-related information, like the complete guest list, on a centralised repository like a CRM tool, exclusively created for your special day, you can easily deliver your wedding invitations to your guest list.

Let’s see how this is done in detail.

  • Help send voice messages

The key to wedding invites is personalisation. Perhaps, that’s why going down personally inviting a guest is the conventional way to distribute wedding invitations.

However, now is not the time to be socialising and meeting people for any non-essential occasion is a huge question mark.

But don’t you worry, cloud communications can help you.

You will need to look for a state-of-the-art cloud communications service provider. Simply record your personalised invite and hand it over to them along with your guest list. The cloud communication service provider will populate their CRM with your contacts and schedule an outbound call broadcast campaign using your invite. 
The best part about this is that you can easily modify the time you want your message to reach the recipient. This helps you ensure that your invite reaches the inbox of your loved one at the most suitable time irrespective of varying time zones. 

You can send your personalised voice invitations to a bulk of your guests and rest assured that a big part of your wedding has been taken care of.

  • Trigger text messages

Have you categorised your guest list? Looking to send a mix of voice and text messages? Not sure how to go about it? 

Cloud communication does it for you. You needn’t take the trouble of sending messages to everybody individually and inviting them. Create your message. Add a catchy subject line. Ensure that the recipient recognises and understands your text message. And you’re good to go.

Hand over the text to your cloud communication service provider. Choose your guests or categorise a separate list to whom you want to send the text invites. Create the list and trigger a text message campaign for these invitees. And voila, your work is done!

  • Utilise video conferencing

Relationships cannot be defined in words. The depth of a few connections is divine. And how can you simply stop by sending a personalised voice message to such special ones?

Take it one step further––act it out and show your emotions through video conferencing capabilities available on cloud communication channels. Or connect with your loved ones via a personal conference. Speak to them and let them know that you’ll miss them in person on your special day. 

Want more? You can even try to live stream your wedding for these special guests. All you will have to do is inform your service provider about your requirements. 

And yes, the personal connection is strengthened. Also, you can schedule these conferences and virtual streaming to align with various time zones.

  • Explore file-sharing capabilities

Cloud communication boasts centralised data storage. And so, it is easy to share information, access data, and send files effortlessly. 

Now, what if you want to send soft copies of your wedding invitations to a few guests? 

You can have your service provider save it in a common location and share it with guests. They will be able to access these files at a convenient time. 

Not just the invite, details about your wedding venue, time, dress code, and itinerary can also be shared via this common platform. This will help your guests who want to make it to your wedding in person or others who want to feel involved even from a distance.


Receiving your guests’ RSVP response is important, to say the least. Knowing how many guests you will have to attend makes all the difference in the pandemic era. There’s social distancing, sanitisation, and a lot more things to think about.

Sure, you can receive RSVPs via SMSes or calls, but we can suggest a better way.

Ask your service provider to add an IVR system to your number. So, when you send out invites via call broadcasting, your guests will be provided with an extension that they can RSVP via keypad or voice inputs. For instance, they can press 1 for affirmative, press 2 to decline, and press 3 if they’re unsure. 

You can even choose a special toll free number or vanity number for this purpose. The digits of this number can be selected to represent something personal to you, like your couple name or your wedding date. Say, if your wedding date is August 10, 2021, your free phone number can be 0800-107-2021.  

Not only is this convenient and saves a lot of time, but let’s agree, this is way cooler. What’s more? The IVR menu can be multi-level so that guests can leave precise answers. So they can press 1 if they are attending and then get routed to the next menu, wherein they get an option to select whether they will be coming alone, or if they will be bringing someone with them. 

The possibilities are endless here.

Benefits of using cloud communication

So, what exactly are the benefits of using cloud communication for your wedding?

  • Cost-effectiveness

Let’s face it––weddings are an expensive affair. And with so much to consider, thanks to COVID-19, your spending is only going to go up.

But fret not. Cloud communication solutions are here to save you.

The tools cut down on expenditures by automating redundant processes and helping you save money on them. For example, inviting guests involves travelling, meeting people, eating out and socialising. But a smart cloud-backed solution eliminates all these steps, thus saving you money and time.

Moreover, printing out hundreds of invites for your guests won’t come cheap. Not to forget, the amount of paper that goes to waste. With cloud communications, all of this is out of the equation. You save money and take an environment-friendly approach.

  • Scalability

What if your fiancée ends up adding another 50 guests to your list? Ideally, you will need to rush to print extra copies of invitations and then run around again to distribute them.

The cloud server is your friend. Simply add or remove the number of guests and trigger call or SMS broadcasts to invite them. Last-minute panic––what is that? 

Moreover, you can scale up and down your plan to enjoy more features, or remove those that you don’t need. For example, if you decide to simply text message your guests and later on end up video conferencing them, you only need to pay-as-you-use. So, you pay extra just for the additional services, instead of paying a flat monthly fee for tools that are of no use to you. 

  • Security

Nobody wants all the intricacies of your wedding getting out in public. Cloud ensures that all the private details remain private. 

Security options like role-based access, two-factor authentication, end-to-end encryption and firewalls protect all your personal details. So, if you have your invites, menu, and the likes stored on the cloud and wish to restrict access only to yourself and your partner, you can easily do so.

  • Flexibility

Do you want one guest to receive the invite at 0800hrs in the morning and the other during the early evening? 

The cloud makes it possible for you to trigger your messages at various times of the day or days of the week. You can even schedule your messages as per time zones. So, if you wish to send the invites to friends who’re travelling and are in a different time zone, you can select an hour that’s appropriate for them and leave the rest to the system. 

Automated, intelligent processes ensure that your invite is sent out on time––without any errors or the need for reminders. Better than having a planner, isn’t it?

In a nutshell

Your wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and nothing should stop you from having the best time ever. Cloud communication technology has been built to cut out needless hassles from processes and provide a smooth journey, no matter the situation the solutions are used in. 

So, choose from a plethora of options to make the most of your wedding day even in the middle of the pandemic. 

Looking to connect with a cloud provider? Well, look no further! Acefone is available 24×7 to assist you with everything cloud. Connect with one of our experts at 1888-859-0450 or drop us an email at [email protected].

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