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why cloud services are the backbone of the ITES industry

A typical IT environment demands servers, hardware, licenses, and software installation. Acquiring and maintaining these can be a tedious process that requires a sizable amount of funds, along with extended deployment cycles. 

The emergence of cloud services has freed the IT/ITES industry from these herculean tasks. Cloud services enable businesses to virtualise IT systems and access applications on the internet through web-based tools. This saves infrastructural costs and other hassles that come with the upkeep of tradition hardware. 

In fact, this survey states that the adoption of the cloud has increased three times, from 19% to 57%, amongst the organisations surveyed. 

So, what exactly is the reason for this widespread demand for cloud services?

Let us delve into it.

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What Are Cloud Services?

Cloud service enables you to access applications over the internet. This model is contradictory to the conventional method of using applications through servers placed on-premises. Applications on the cloud allow easy and centralised access to important data and files and offer complete scalability. They are completely managed by a cloud service provider.

Having said that, check out why cloud services are considered the backbone of the IT/ITES industry?

  • Boosts workplace productivity

Undeniably, the ongoing pandemic has shaken the way businesses function. Organisations have been pushed to explore ways to improve team communication, productivity, and collaboration in a virtual environment. Cloud services have proved to be a strong medium in this regard. 

For example, even when your team members are working from home, they don’t need to depend on servers and hardware on-premise. They can simply access official documents through their personal device.

Furthermore, sharing files, video conferencing, or live streaming to catch up with colleagues from anywhere across the globe becomes child’s play. These capabilities help you perform at a consistently higher level, thereby positively impacting workplace productivity.

Even when it comes to reaching out to talented individuals, irrespective of their locations, cloud services make it possible without adding any extra costs.

  • Helps reduce the total cost of ownership

The most significant advantage of cloud services for the IT/ITES industry is cost savings on infrastructure. Typically, you may need to spend a lot to set up an on-premise IT environment. 

Cloud services eliminate infrastructure and equipment costs. All you will need to do is specify your needs to your cloud service provider and your virtual environment will be ready to use.

Furthermore, cloud services come with an added advantage of zero maintenance. Your service provider is completely responsible for the maintenance of the entire set-up. This enables you to keep working at optimum capacity without having to hire a team, especially for the upkeep. This saves you a lot of administrative costs.

  • Enables to remain updated

Cloud providers keep all hardware and software updated in the best interest of their clients. Thus, upgrading your systems is a task that will also be taken care of by your provider.

This will free you from obsolete technologies and help you deliver optimal performance. You will stay on par with market demands and trends while working with cutting edge technology. 

  • Allows better focus on core business

Though undervalued, this is an important advantage of using cloud service. Transitioning to cloud allows you to deploy the majority of your IT activities to the provider.

This enables you to re-allocate resources and capital on core tasks and helps you better utilise your time and workforce. The end result is enhanced productivity and performance.

  • Provides stepped-up security

With an on-premise setup, businesses often find it hard to adhere to security compliance measures, resulting in a compromised environment. This concern is eliminated with cloud service.

Businesses enjoy security measures such as multi-factor authentication, firewalls, end-to-end encryption and more. Moreover, providers ensure that their services comply with the latest security protocols. Thus, cloud services offer a state-of-the-art, less resource-intensive way to protect your sensitive data.

  • Ensures Backups and Disaster Recovery

With cloud services, your data is stored in centers around the globe in a distributed manner. This adds to the reliability of the services, makes sure a copy of your data is always available, and allows quick and effective data recovery in case of an emergency. 

Furthermore, cloud disaster recovery is significant as it enables you to maintain a backup of your entire IT infrastructure in a separate location, which is not the case with standard on-premise backups.

  • Offers better scalability and flexibility

IT/ITES systems need to change with shifting demands and trends. However, increasing on-premise infrastructural capacity needs a considerable amount of funds which often forces organisations to use unfit systems. A dynamic advantage of cloud services is its capability of scalability. 

Cloud services add value by easily scaling up and down based on your operational needs. For example, if your organisation is facing a surge in developmental requirements, all you need to do is notify your service provider. While he looks after the scaling process, you can continue to work uninterrupted. Again, you may size down to your initial infrastructure when the demand reduces. 

Thus, the scalability of cloud applications not only allows you to promptly meet an unexpected rise in demands but also eliminates unwanted expenditure on idle infrastructural space.

Furthermore, cloud services are a boon to IT/ITES companies during mergers and acquisitions. They facilitate easy integration of applications when compared to traditional systems. 

They also eliminate the need for massive investment and resources to migrate applications. Both the organisations can simply begin to function without any interruptions.

  • Allows Rapid Deployment

On-premise IT systems may result in operational hiccups and take weeks or even months to fully implement applications. 

However, deploying cloud applications is a time-efficient process, to say the least. With all the state-of-the-art technologies and security protocols available, you are equipped to deliver your best. Cloud services back you with mission-critical solutions that help you in rapid deployment along with substantial benefits and minimal provisioning time.

  • Reduces the Carbon Footprint

Organisations are increasingly focussing on minimising the impact of their operations on the environment. Cloud technology helps achieve this goal as one provider can offer his services to several businesses. This helps in equal distribution of resources and reduces wastage. 

Furthermore, their scalability also allows organisations to cater to their operational needs without taking up any additional infrastructural space.

It must be noted that organisations that have an on-premise data center cannot enjoy these benefits. They may either end up over-provisioning their IT environment or may need additional space to keep pace with their growing needs. 

Cloud services take charge of this aspect and help businesses strike the right balance. They also reduce carbon footprint, thereby positively impacting the environment.

Parting Words

The benefits of cloud services are innumerable. They are vast and can be realised by organisations only when they begin to use it consistently. Hopefully, all the points that we just discussed will offer better insights into some of the advantages of cloud services and justify why they are considered to be the backbone of the IT/ITES industry.

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