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benefits of ivr for business

The marketplace has long shifted from a product-centric landscape to that focusing on services. In simpler terms, it’s all about customer satisfaction. A happy customer ensures repeated sales, word-of-mouth recommendation, and a bright brand image overall. The key to a positive experience is efficiency, and that’s where IVR system steps in.

IVR or Interactive Voice Response refers to a telephony system that responds to inputs from the customer through an automated process and reroutes the call to a preferred agent. It nullifies the requirement of a live operator. It’s a rather uncomplicated endeavor. When a customer calls, the IVR system will greet them and ask for keyboard input (For example, “Press 1 for English” or “Press 1 to register a complaint”). The input will then be identified, segmented and then the call will be rerouted to a specialized agent (if required).

But how can this help your call centers appease and retain customers? Let’s take a look at the role of this feature.

Personalize Messages for Customers

Personalization of your services ensures a deeper connection with your customers. With IVR solution, your business can record a customized message tailored to the client using caller information. This displays that you care for your customers’ needs and creates a stronger brand image. You can opt for either a pre-recorded message by a professional voice actor or add in your version.

Different languages may be employed to appeal to a variety of callers.

Ease Accountability and Analysis of Information

To promise improved customer care in the future, your business should be able to learn from its past interactions. Through IVR system, you can record your calls to later analyze the nuances of the conversation. Many recordings in the professional sphere are also recorded for training purposes—new recruits may be given these conversations as case study.

This is also helpful to keep track of your conversations. Customer responses will help you understand their needs and demands for particular products, depending on what they wish to inquire.

Serve Callers Around the Clock

A live operator or receptionist handling calls limits the period of connectivity with a consumer. In this setup, people are inconvenienced to attempt to call only during work hours, which eventually also means a higher concentration of calls at a given time. Investing in IVRS, however, ensures that they are attended to, at any hour of the day or night. This round-the-clock service will allow clients to connect with the business, even in the absence of any employees.

This is a multi-faceted advantage as not only are the customers content, but also employees do not have to compromise on their time.

Treat Queries with Accuracy

It is often the case in traditional settings that a call is rerouted to multiple agents, many of whom are equipped or responsible to handle the query or request. This can be avoided by automating the service. This way, the business will be able to identify the needs of the customer and narrow them down without any human assistance. If it is required, the call is then transferred to an agent with the best abilities to handle queries of that nature. Not only will this permit rapid service by providing first contact resolution, but also cut down on time spent per call.

The Sticky Agent feature of IVRS will allow callers to engage with the same agent every time, hence saving time otherwise spent on reiterating basic information. If callers cannot be tended due to high frequency of requests, they can stay on hold or agents can return their calls later according to some setups.

Increase Return on Investment

Without the need to employ a receptionist, the operational costs of a business are driven down. An IVR setup requires minimal infrastructure and also functions at high efficiency. Additionally, there are various plans available to acquire an IVR system that is light on the pockets. Better accuracy in redirection as well, gives agents appropriate free time. All these factors combined ensure that the investments are low, and productivity is high, leading to an increased return on investment.

Minimize Human Error

As mentioned earlier, human error is often at play in conventional call centers. Any receptionist or operator may contribute to inaccuracy while rerouting calls. There is no lack of judgement when it comes to an automated system. IVR technology is well equipped to understand requirements and transfer calls to the ideal agent. Using the call barging feature, you can also assist your agent with prompts to ensure high-level of accuracy and performance.

Additionally, it is ideal to greet any consumer with enthusiasm and attention, as any IVR system would, undeterred by any moods or personal inconvenience. This will grant your business the professional front it requires to attract and charm callers.

Create a Strong Brand Image

An IVR number leaves a strong first impression on a caller. While one might assume that a small business or start-up might wish to avoid this feature, the reality is quite the opposite. A customer calling an IVR number for any business is given the impression of meticulousness. The technology also lends the organization a front of importance and size. And with the added benefits of lowered costs and improved services, it is ideal for any business type.

Display Order Statuses

Customers have the urge to constantly track their orders and follow the progress, essentially for satisfaction and confirmation. In these situations, dealing with an automated system can help the customer directly deal with the information, instead of an agent taking out time to manually search for the result. This not only saves time for both parties but also adds a factor of convenience for the customer, who can access the data at their time and without any drawn-out explanations.

Take Surveys

One of the most thorough ways one can gain access to customer feedback is through surveys. Businesses can use IVR number to ask questions regarding their product, service or experience and then tally numeric inputs to identify any strengths or weaknesses. Keyboard inputs can provide feedback on quantitative data. However, since IVR system allows call recordings, you could also use the technology to ask open-ended questions that a user could answer in their voice.

Clear Payments

Gone are the days of long lines to pay off one’s dues. The advent of the technological age has transformed the methods of payments—almost any payment can be accomplished online. With IVR number, you can allow the customer to clear their payments on call. It minimizes effort from the consumers and the businesses are benefited by saving time and effort from their side as well. Telephone banking is common amongst individuals who wish to save the time otherwise spent in travelling to the bank.

Promotions and Reminders

You can highlight your brand’s promotional activities while you have the attention of your caller. Pre-recorded calls can be designed to mention marketing promotions that can potentially attract a customer. An IVR number could also be added to other media.

Many call centers may use the system to send across reminders for appointments or other important events. This makes the consumer aware of your company’s activities.

While these are the various roles and benefits of IVR system in a call center through a business perspective, it might be beneficial to understand the reasons for which IVR can be used to gather a stronger consumer base.

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