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cloud pbx can help hr and recruitment

Cloud PBX can help those in HR and recruitment in several ways, making their working lives easier and allowing them to go about their day to day business no matter what is going on in the world.

Cloud PBX allows your phone system to become completely portable, so your staff can work from wherever they need to and they can easily keep up with their messages while on the move.

HR professionals and anyone working in recruitment can use their PBX system to help make their working life easier, so we have put together some of the top ways your HR Team can benefit from a  cloud phone system

Cloud PBX Moves With Your Staff

Recruiters and HR professionals often need to be out of the office, whether that is to meet potential new recruits or businesses who need their services.

When meeting businesses, this will often be at their premises, so it is important that HR staff are free to go wherever they are needed.

With cloud PBX, your staff can simply switch from their office phone to their mobile, laptop or tablet and can take their phone with them anywhere they might need to go.

This means that they can go out and represent your company without missing a call from a candidate!

Recruiting often is not a nine to five job, so a cloud PBX system gives staff the ability to work easily from home out of hours.

But they will still answer from a professional office number and enjoy crystal clear communications wherever they have an internet connection. 

Due to the fantastic features of a cloud PBX system, even when they are in a meeting staff do not have to miss out on any potential leads from candidates or employers.

Hosted phone systems have voicemail to email built-in, so once the meeting is overall staff need to do is listen to voicemails that have been conveniently sending straight to their emails invoice files.

Everything your staff need for day to day operations can be included with a cloud PBX system, to help your recruitment business run more efficiently.

Call Clients And Candidates At A Low Cost

For any business person, the cost is a factor in any decision. So, you will be pleased to know that cloud PBX can save you money on calls. 

As cloud PBX works over your internet connection, call costs are significantly lower – particularly when calling overseas.

Not only are call costs lower, but costs for the infrastructure of the phone system and maintenance are also significantly lower – so you can enjoy savings right away when you install a cloud PBX system.

Cloud PBX also gives you the ability to monitor your call costs and choose plans based on your usage. Using Acefone’s easy to use online portal, you can keep a close eye on your call costs in just a few clicks.

If you are making more calls than you expected, simply call our team and we will find you a more suitable call plan, so you do not need to worry about costly calls bringing down your profits.

Open Up Your Talent Pool To The World

There are talented professionals all over the world, but with a traditional phone system, you will not be able to hire them into your business as they are geographically too far away. With a cloud PBX system, distance is no issue.

As staff can use your phone system from anywhere in the world, you can hire the most talented people no matter where they are based. This also means that you can offer your HR and recruitment services globally.

If you find a company needing services in a different country, you can hire professionals in that area and connect them to your phone system with a few clicks on the online portal.

They can speak to your customers and colleagues as if they are in the office with you, and using conference calling they can become valuable members of your team. 

 You do not need to create a physical office for remote workers with cloud PBX (or any workers for that matter), they can connect from anywhere with an internet connection and so could work from home with ease.

Customise Your Phone Number

If you are thinking of hiring remote workers overseas, or are wanting to target new areas away from where your office is physically located, you can do so with cloud PBX.

You can customise your number so it suits your needs, with the option to have a free phone, local, or branded number.

A free phone number makes your business look bigger and like a national business.

So if you are looking to appear more established and break down any barriers between your business and your target customer, a free phone number is ideal.

A branded number helps with marketing and can be customised so that it is easier for customers to remember and it matches with your marketing collateral.

You can also track calls through this to see how your marketing campaigns are working.

A local number is ideal to create trust within a local area.

If you have hired a remote worker in a different country, having a local number in this area may encourage more customers to call you as they will see that you are established in the local area.

Additionally, if you’ve hired remote workers away from your locality you can choose how your outgoing calls will appear on your phone.

This is a great use for local numbers as candidates may be less likely to pick up a call if the incoming number is overseas or an area they do not recognise.

Use IVR To Get Customers To The Right Recruiters

If you are a larger recruitment business you might have many different departments for each area you recruit into.

Instead of fielding calls from candidates and passing them around until they find the right person, you can be professional from the start using an IVR.

IVR (Interactive Voice Response) allows customers to self select from a range of options so they can be put through to the right person based on their needs.

This means less staff time wasted trying to find the right place for this customer and a more professional first impression of your business to any customers calling you.

If you’d like to find out more about how cloud PBX can benefit your business, call us on 1888-859-0450  and talk to our expert team.

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